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Device No.2
The Emoprehender  £400

You write your emotion on a card,- & enter it through the tubing through the loose cable on the edge of the device. the emotion is channeled through the cable & has an output of explanation for your given emotion. The device acts as a digital psychiatrist. It enables you to comprehend your mentality, and thereby understanding why it is you are sad, happy - or otherwise. Gaining you insight into how you can alter these emotions - if needed.

The methodology behind this device is as follows. -

When you buy the emoprehender it is anogrammed to your personality- it then contains all the psychological and physical data of you from birth. When you then go on to use the device you write your given emotion onto a card and input through the tubing.  As the emotion card enters the tube - it exerts pressure to a button at the start of the first tube. This button contacts a psychiatrist in the world who is suited to your given emotion and personality. This psychiatrist instantly transmits a response and a reasoning. The next tube is contracted to a physical doctor to offer an explanation related to your physical state. At the end of the tube all the different analogies are coordinated and written in a simplistic manor. - It then is channelled as an output as a detailed description of why you feel the way that you do.
With this info you can then do as you please- it is just often helpful to have an aid to comprehension of your personal emotions and psyche.




Device No.3
The Tellysucka  £300

You watch it as you'd watch a television - thus will send you into a hypnotic state and you will start to manoeuvre and alternate and your limbs propel in all directions as if you’re dancing — it extracts all the negative energy, thoughts and emotions from your soul- and results in your surrounding aroma being of a vanilla essence.

the scientific methodology behind the device is as follows-

As the device is switched on the electromagnetic waves are splurged into the souls of the viewers - this activates the elation cells in the central nervous system which then stimulate the neganeurones (negative neurones) which are transported to the negaligs (negative ligaments) the negaligs are magnetically attracted to the negatendonass (negative tendons) causing them to propel their connected limbs into all directions, as the limbs are dancing the neganeurones start oozing out of the sweat glands of the person - as the neganeurones reach the surface of the skin cells the negemotions  are released into the surrounding air. Once in the air the the negemotions react with oxygen and is released into the atmosphere as NN02 a neo gas - this gas then reacts with carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, methane & other greenhouse gasses present in our troposphere, - they react and turn to pure vanilla scented oxygen - thus- leaving the viewer in a euphoric state surrounded by pure vanilla scented air to breath.




The Euphoric Generators 2020
Devices of psychological, physical & environmental benefit.

Device No. 1
The Ennerconf

You place your face to the surface of the device & allow the laser to percolate into your brain. You will experience extreme energy, & confidence & go a bit CooCoo  for 10 hours. The effect is very similar to being very drunk or of recreational drugs - however you experience no bad feeling the next day

The scientific methodology behind this device is as follows.

As you place your face in front of the machine the laser sends electromagnetic waves through your brain. The waves pick up all the endolphins as they navigate through the brain and on the swash of the brain the endolfins are forced to swim down your gullet, down to  your torso, frame & carcass. Your body is now holding all of your weekly endolphins as active. The endolphins will allow 10 hours of extreme euphoria and on hour ten the endorphiproducer will start rapidly reproducing these endolphins so that you do not lack common euphoria through the following week.


These pieces of technology are based upon the aesthetic structure of analog technology & are constructed of both analog and digital parts. They are a physical amalgamation of both analog & digital technology. Focusing on the loss of intricate aesthetic from original analog devices - such as Babbage's Difference engine and the endless possibilities of purpose within digital technology of the future. The pieces of technology come into play at various stages of my novel, their functions are in accordance to the time in which they exist.

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